Yo! All you salty sea-devils, if you didn't see the Zac man's awesome Flash skillz, then ye best be scrollin' down. So sayeth' the Wingnut.
So, I had a blast drawing that Jack and Jill picture right? Like an obscene amount of fun. And I thought to myself, "Self, that was a really fun picture. You should do something in that style again." And I got to thinking, Jack and Jill would make an awesome crime fighting duo.

Jill was colored with prisma colors, and I'm thinking about digitally coloring Jack. Not gonna lie here folks, I'm having a BLAST with this. So then, looking at this picture, I'm like, "Dayum! Jill is a badass! I should draw a picture that emphasizes THAT!"
So, uh. I did.

And then I colored it with more prisma colors! I'm OUTTA CONTROL!

Auugh! What's this? Solid blacks in a drawing by the Joey?! Who is this? Yeah, I'm super proud of this picture. Who knows? These two are a blast to draw, it's outside my comfort zone, and maybe just maybe, they may turn into a project all their own.
Whaddya think?